Satanic Rituals, Olympic Games, Manifesting Spacetime Portals, Plasma Consciousness & Crystal Skulls

Exopolitics Today Week in Review with Dr Michael Salla – August 10, 2024 Topics UFOs that can manifest spacetime portals to travel through. Dr Courtney Brown is very forthcoming on his relationship with Gray extraterrestrials that have influenced his life and remote viewing protocols Elena Danaan adds important context about Dr. Courtney Brown’s open admission that he is working with an allegedly ’positive’ group of Gray aliens here to help humanity. A Japanese scientific study has identified how stem cell therapies can lead to anti-aging and regeneration of organs/limbs. Threats against wi...tnesses to the UFO phenomenon go back to the 1947 Roswell Crash. Rupert Sheldrake’s observation about the sun being a conscious entity is critical for understanding life in our solar system and behavior of extraterrestrial visitors. The Ancient Crystal Skull built by Extraterrestrials with Powerful Transformative Energies Very helpful information from Elena Danaan about how the plasma consciousness of space arks, ET motherships, etc., can be downloaded into crystals An excellent breakdown of the opening ceremony and elements of the French-run Olympic Games showing Satanic/Reptilian themes that are designed to elicit consent from the masses Billy Meier and UFO Contact from the Pleiades: Interview with Brit Elders News story about the UFO crash at Kingman Arizona in 1953 that introduces some of the witnesses and what was recovered Another mainstream science journal is finally taking UFOs aka UAPs seriously. Excited to announce the launch of US Army Insider Missions Book series featuring the cover artwork of Adam S. Doyle illustrating the amazing missions of JP who is still active in the US Army. Twitter Feed: Support Exopolitics Today, join: Patreon:
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