Attack On Titan: The Musical (English subs)

Hi guys! It’s been a while, huh? We worked very hard on a brand new project since our debut with “Yuuri!! on Ice: The Musical“ last year! This time we come back with taking “Attack on Titan“ on our plate! We worked to get it done for almost a year now! Besides our precious actors on stage we co-worked with a lot of fandubbers, photographers, videographers and make up artists. It was a very long bulky road with a lot of blood sweat and tears - but we finally made it! !!!Please be advised that we had to change some parts of the story to translate it better for the musical format.!!! MENTIONS: Due to some technical issues we did not put some names on the list of our dearest donators at the end of a video - we are really sorry about that. Big bow and applouse for those amazing people: Wojtek Rechłowicz Joanna Komorowska Aleksandra Słowik Szymon Dudzik Michał Pilarski
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