Don’t Stop Saying I DON’T KNOW In English!

Have you learned some English alternatives to the phrase, “I don’t know!“ Sometimes it can be awkward when you are having an English conversation and you don’t have the answer to an question. You might be tempted to say, “I don’t know.“ but you’re worried that native English speakers don’t say that. Well guess what? They do! In fact it is the most common way to answer a question if you don’t know the answer. Now as you learn English you might want to learn some of the alternatives so that your conversations have a little more flair. In this English lesson I’ll teach you 8 other phrases you can use to say, “I don’t know.“, and I’ll explain when to use them. So if you were worried that English speakers don’t say, “I don’t know.“, then stop worrying! It’s very common. And, if you want to learn some more phrase for fun, this English lesson is just for you. I hope you enjoy this free Engl
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