Просьба к Богу - Иля Вольфман #песни #любовь #бабушка
Стихи - Роман Баранчук
Музыка и исполнение - Иля Вольфман
Арранжировка и партия рояля - Николай Косинов .( Фотографии использованы из галереи Меира Азулай -израильского фотографа, которому очень благодарны.Would you Pray
by Roman Baranchuk
Bird is chirping outside my window,
And sunrise is welcoming new day.
Would you pray for our soldiers people?
This is all we are asking G-d today.
We’re asking, people – would you pray?
Pray in any language that you can,
Pray and maybe Holy One will hear,
He is now somewhere very near.
Kids in epaulets and uniform,
On Shabbat they are returning home,
Let us silence weeping heart with joke,
Wiping tear with a quick hand stroke.
Their smiles are filling home with light,
This is best enjoyment in the world.
Save them Lord from danger in their fight,
Help them and return them home, o Lord!
We had kids for life, not for the war,
Raised them not for battle, not for fight.
Lord we are asking not for gold and more,
We are asking just for peace and quiet.
Candlelight by window is trembling,
Pink sunrise comes up with purple mask.
Dear Lord, please help and save our soldiers,
Dear Lord, is it too much to ask?
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