In addition to all that I am involved in, most recently, I was honored to have been asked to participate in an online Russian charitable organization named The ROMASHKA-Project.
In doing so, I have been given the opportunity to give back to a people that have meant so much to me in my life, and in my own personal development as a human being. My role is to respond, as one of many volunteer mentors, to the questions asked of at-risk children throughout Russia. Our audience includes Russian children and youth throughout the country in both orphanages and social rehabilitation centers.
This week, I completed my first video response for Alesya, a 16-year-old student, from Angarsk, Russia.
Her question reads: What is the most effective and quickest way to learn English?
Mind you, this is my first video, and I do hope that I will improve in my future attempts. Regardless, to be involved in such an amazing social project is very humbling and I am thankful to have such an opportunity.
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