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Hello everybody!
Agh long time no videos x) I really couldn’t edit for longer than a month D: Actually i can’t now too... this video was started in the end of August and was made for 70%. So i finished it in today ^^
Editing: AGH FAIL as always! I didn’t match every beat and ect ect, and i’m addicted to the Black effect :3 But i don’t care about it at all... the story pleases me enough ^^
Storyline: Hm, i CAN’T WRITE STORYES D: but i’ll try to make it clear as it’s possible x)
There is no a lifetime story, i can say it’s like a piece of life of Mufasa and Taka :3 So, at the begining goes random moment’s of their life together: they are very close brothers :’D (oh i wish it was so in the real story :’( ) They love each other to death and ect.
Hyenas want to control Pridelands and decide to kill brothers.
So brothers try to escape. Scars runs up on a rock, but Mufasa falls down in a canyon... hyenas turn herd in a canyon to kill Mufasa. He tryes to survive and Scar helps him in the end!
Mufasa isn’t dead! He was wounded and he needs to sleep... While Mufasa sleeps Scars desides to kill hyenas.
Scar goes to hyenas and starts to kill them. He killed a lot of them but let’s focus only on main characters - Shenzi, Banzai and Ed.
While Scar kills hyenas Mufasa wakes up and looks for his brother. Then he founds his footstep and guesses where Scar went. Mufasa worries about Scar and runs to help him hoping he’s alright...
Scar kills Ed (around 1:45) and Banzai (around 1:56) (Shenzi hides and stays alive (1:54) ). While Scar is making fun of killing hyenas Shenzi attacks him (She is very angry cause of Ed and Banzai’s deathes )’: ). Scar falls dawn but he’s still alive. Shenzi and some other hyenas comes to finish Scar... But Mufasa runs to save his little brother and he isn’t late! He kills the last enemy - Shanzi.
Ohh bloody story. But It finishes good for Mufasa and Taka. Pridlends belongs to them again.
I hope it’s clearly enough xD (sorry for my suckish english :P )
*random tittles FTW xD
I’m tired of writing, so, see ya ;)
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