39 elderly Texans successfully complete hydroxychloroquine treatment for COVID-19, doctor says

Patients completed a five-day treatment with Hydroxychloroquine and their doctor said none of the patients experienced side effects. Fifty-six residents at this senior facility in Galveston County contracted the novel coronavirus. Dr. Robin Armstrong said 39 of them gave him permission to treat them with hydroxychloroquine pills. “Most of the patients have done well. And, you know, and I think that that is suggestive that the medication is helpful,” Armstrong told WFAA. But notice that Armstrong qualified his answer by saying “most of the patients.” “Well, I would say I would say all the patients have done well,” Armstrong added. On Sunday, those 39 patients finished five days of treatment with hydroxychloroquine. Dr. Armstrong said no one experienced any side effects. READ MORE: Listen to our podcast episode about Hydroxychloroquine: https://w
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