Рождество Христово 2020 Великое повечерие Christmas Great Compline

0:00 храм святителя Спиридона, Самара St Spyridon church at Samara 5:40 «С нами Бог» свящ. Василий Зиновьев Priest Vasily Zinoviev: God with us. Isaiah 8 & 9 1: God is with us! O Nations, understand and submit, for God is with us. 2: Pay attention, even to the ends of the earth, for God is with us. 3: O mighty people, submit. If you again rise if might, you will be overcome again, for God is with us. 4: If any people plot together, the Lord will destroy them, for God is with us. 5: And the word which you sp
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