No touching! Snare, Kick, Hi-hats must all stay separate... linear drumming
I hit hand and foot together at :19... forgive me. Any other barefoot drummers out there? Join ’The Crew’ or ’The Educated Crew’ for more!
see some gear below:
Working on some linear drumming grooves is so fun! Break apart your need to hit your hands together on 2 and 4 or your bass drum with your hi-hats on 1 and 3. Mix it up! See what new feels you can create.
Linear drumming really breaks you out of your comfort zone and ordinary patterns. If you want a way to shake the dust off your drumming or just have some fun, see what type of linear grooves and/or solos you can come up with.
Ludwig Drums Breakbeats by Questlove
Zildjian Flat Ride
K Custom Special Dry
Questlove Signature Vic Firth Sticks
Big Fat Snare Drum Original 14“
Meinl Drum Honey (mutes)