Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League Gameplay Walkthrough - Task Forced X (Chapter 2)
In this walkthrough, we take you through Chapter 2 of Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League (Task Forced X). We will be playing on the hardest difficulty for this playthrough.
00:00 - Intro
00:20 - Cutscene with Hack (Systems Support)
03:30 - Cutscene as the Suicide Squad gears up
06:00 - Cutscene (Seeing Green)
09:25 - Hello Oswald mission starts
13:00 - Cutscene with Penguin
17:00 - Exterminators mission starts
23:13 - Gotta Cache ’Em All mission starts
32:27 - Moving Violations mission starts
35:29 - Make Some Noise mission starts
42:04 - Q’s And A-Holes mission starts (The Riddler tutorial)
45:10 - Don’t Blow It mission starts
45:36 - Residual Echo Location 1
46:50 - Cutscene as Wonder Woman shows back up
50:02 - Operation Good Rescue mission starts
1:02:02 - Cutscene (Marching Orders mission starts)
1:10:17 - Ride And/Or Die mission starts
1:11:35 - Dockside Rumble mission starts
1:15:27 - Suicide Run mission starts
1:20:52 - Cutscene as the Suicide Squad enters LexCorp
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#IGN #Gaming #SuicideSquadKillTheJusticeLeague #Walkthrough #TaskForcedX