Link is in crisis after Sidon hooks up with Zelda instead of him. But a chance encounter takes him on a banana fuelled adventure...
Produced by Tom Jenkins
Written by Jamie Stanton
Animated by Red Minus
Animatic by Liam Mckeown
Concept and additional material by Tom Jenkins and Jason Alan Dewey
Link voiced by Blake Swift
Sidon and Yiga voiced by Dan Gavin
Zelda and Woman in Bar 2 voiced by Hayley Nelson
Woman in Bar voiced by Tamara Ryan
Little Girl voiced by Eileen “EileMonty“ Montgomery
Sound Design by Jason Alan Dewey
Music and Additional Sound Design by Alex Walker Smith
Last time in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Link fell in love with Sidon, but Ganon appeared and Zelda managed to have her way with the Fishy Prince!
More Mashed:
Breath of the Wild: Link and Sidon
Pointless Side Quests: YOU DIRTY RAT!
Samurai Witcher: Geralt vs The Griffin
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