The Milgram Experiment: Would You Do It?

Are ordinary people able to do terrible things? And if so, how many would give high electric shocks to an innocent student, just because they are following an order? To find out, Stanley Milgram, a young psychologist at Yale University, conducted a clever, but controversial, experiment that changed our understanding of human behavior forever. SUPPORT us to learn more about research that changed social sciences forever! šŸ¦: DOWNLOAD video without ads and background music šŸ¤«: SIGN UP to our mailing list and never miss a new video from us šŸ””: SOURCES and teaching resources šŸŽ“: CONTRIBUTE by upvoting your favorite topic or suggesting new ones : VISIT our website THANKS to our patrons This video was made with the support of our Patrons: Andrea Basilio Rava, Angela, Ann Hufstader, Artur, Badrah, Brilliant Minds Learning, C, , Daniel Kramer, Denis Kraus, Digital INnov8ors, Dr. Matthias MĆ¼ller-Mellin, Duane Bemister, Esther Chiang, Eva Marie Koblin, Floris Devreese, Gatsby Dkdc, Ginger, ICH KANN DEUTSCH UND ES WAR EINFACH!, Jana Heinze, Jannes Kroon, Jeffrey Cassianna, Joanne Doyle, Johan Klassen, Jonathan Schwarz, Jorge Luis Mejia Velazquez, Juliet Hutchings, L Efre, Liskaya, Marcel, Marco VanGuff, Margaret Grace, MarĆ­a, Marq Short, Mathis Nu, Muhammad Humayun, Nicki, Okan Elibol, Paul Hopkins, Peter Bishop, Petra, Raymond Fujioka, Robert Cook, scripz, Si, Stefan Gros, Stephen, Stephen Clark, Stuart Bishop, Susan Schuster, Tetiana Gerasymova, Tristan Scifo, Victor Paweletz, Wolfgang Vullhorst, Yvonne Clapham and all the you! To join them visit COLLABORATORS Script: Jonas Koblin Artist: Pascal Gaggelli Voice: Mithril Coloring: Nalin Editing: Peera Lertsukittipongsa Production: Selina Bador Proofreading: Susan Sound Design: Miguel Ojeda SOUNDTRACKS Toys Are Alive - Studio Le Bus Terror Avenue - Jack Pierce DIG DEEPER with these top videos, games and resources Neuro Milgram ā€“ Your brain takes less ownership of actions that you perform under coercion by the British Psychological Society Ethical Issues in the Milgram Experiment - an overview on Prezi Watch Milgram Experiment 1962 Full Documentary SOURCES Milgram, S. (2009). Obedience to Authority: An Experimental View (Harper Perennial Modern Thought) (Reprint ed.). Harper Perennial Modern Classics. CLASSROOM EXERCISE To learn more on suggested activities for classroom on The Milgramā€™s Experiment, check out our website at . CHAPTER 00:00 Intro to The Milgram Experiment 00:22 Stanley Milgram 00:48 The Milgram Experiment 03:50 Milgramā€™s finding 04:35 What do you think? 04:56 Patronsā€™ credit 05:06 Ending #psychology #stanleymilgram #themilgramexperiment #sproutslearning
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