【耶穌 / Jesus】Live Worship - 約書亞樂團、謝思穎

#歡迎追蹤並且分享我們的音樂 #約書亞樂團 #耶穌 敬拜畫面►台北靈糧堂青年牧區 ● Holywood影視團隊 完整敬拜► 耶穌 / Jesus 詞曲 Written:GATEWAY 主領 Worship Leader :謝思穎 Panay Isak 中譯詞 Translator:FGACYC Worship ﹥Verse 1 新一天開啓 There’s a new day dawning 祢恩典降臨 New mercies for me 我知祢信實永不改變 I know you’re faithful day by day 祢爱找到我 It’s Your love that finds me 祢愛引導我 It’s Your love that leads me 向世界宣揚 祢良善信實無人相比 I will tell the world You’re good and always faithful to me ﹥Chorus 耶稣 是我心唯一盼望 Jesus, You alone the hope within me 耶穌 救贖的亮光 Jesus, light of salvation 耶稣 祢的爱 是永不止息 Jesus, Your love is unrelenting 祢恩典永無止境 Your grace is never ending 耶稣 耶稣 耶稣 耶稣 Jesus / Jesus / Jesus / Jesus ﹥Verse 2 我曾經失喪 I was death without You 在死蔭幽谷 I was lost and blind 聽見祢溫柔呼喚我名 Then I heard You calling out my name 在黑暗夜晚 Your love was reaching 祢愛觸摸我 In the darkest night 我宣告祢名 鎖鏈斷開我已得釋放 Then I spoke Your name, You broke the chains Now I am set free ﹥Bridge 我要唱 我要唱 哦 不停地唱 I will sing, I will sing oh / I’ll never stop 我宣揚 我宣揚 祢 偉大的作為 I will shout, I will shout oh / of what You’ve done - 奉獻 Asia for JESUS/ 約書亞樂團事工 聯繫約書亞樂團: - 這裡可以找到我們! YouTube▸ Apple Music▸ Spotify▸ KKBOX▸ My Music▸ friDay音樂▸ LINE MUSIC▸ - 異象工場官方商城▸ 約書亞樂團官網▸ 約書亞樂團Facebook▸ 約書亞樂團Instagram▸ 約書亞樂團微博▸ 約書亞樂團微信▸joshuaband
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