What is the meaning and purpose of life? | Jiddu Krishnamurti | @youaredivinity

What is the meaning and purpose of life? | Jiddu Krishnamurti | @BeTheSelfNow  #Jiddu #jk #JidduKrishnamurti #JKrishnamurti #Krishnamurti #Krishnamurthy #jiddukrishnamurthy #jkrishnamurthy #krishnamurtibrasil #kft *** #Yoga #Wisdom #Knowledge #Spirituality #WhoAmI? #whoami? #Secretsofuniverse #cosmos #cosmicintellegence #cosmicmind #vedas #upnishad #God #Self #therealself #selfrealisation #selfrealization #GyanYoga #BhaktiYoga #KarmaYoga #DhyanYoga #selfenquiry #mind #soul #spirit #love #vedanta #bliss #awakening #guru #Shiva #Mindcontrol #mindfullness #meditation #Enlightenment #inspiration #life #yogidas #BeTheSelfNow @BeTheSelfNow  ******** Your questions: Who am I? Why am I born here? Where do I go after death? What is God? Where is God? What is the Self? Where is the Self? What is self realisation? Wh
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