How To Create An “Epidemic“

Is an epidemic always a true epidemic? Watch the 3rd part of the video (Interview with Dr Claus Köhnlein) here: @drsambailey:c/pcr-pandemic-interview-with-virus-mania:9 Please support my channel ▶ Leave me a tip! ▶ Virus Mania Paperback: * Abe (lots of suppliers): &cm_sp=snippet-_-srp1-_-PLP1 * US Independent Bookseller Powell’s Books: * Amazon: =sr_1_2?dchild=1&keywords=virus mania&qid=1612859505&sr=8-2 Virus Mania E-book: * Kindle: =sr_1_1?keywords=virus mania&qid=1617157466&sr=8-1 Virus Mania in New Zealand: * NZers who would like to order the book locally for $65 (incl. shipping) please contact admin@drsam
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