NIST FOIA 09-42 - Jim Huibregtse

00:00 - About 19 seconds after first plane hit the North Tower at approx. 8:46:25 a.m. Filmed from school yard of the Independence School (P.S. 234), at Greenwich Street. Recording starts at 8:46:44 a.m. Time uncertainty was assigned by NIST with 1 second for each CUMULUS clip. 01:48 - First and loud “KNOCK“ or “DUP“ noise. Comes maybe from the damaged building structure, either from the impact zone or Hat Truss region. For further similar noises in the time span between the plane strikes, see video markings 02:43, 03:00, 03:55 - 04:08, 04:42, 06:28, 07:17, 07:26, 07:54, 08:12- 08:23, 09:10 - 09:12, 09:20, 09:25, 09:31, 09:47, 09:50. 11:22 - Second impact missed. Recording starts at 9:04:28 a.m.. 15:06 - South Tower collapse begins with a loud rumble noise at around 9:58:56 a.m. (1 uncertain second and minus 2 seconds sound-wave delay). Dust clouds enveloping the streets around WTC site. 21:27 - People start to jump from windows of WTC1 west face, at 95th floor as fire had reached the west side, around 10
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