Чемп. Мира 2018 (финал), Миронова Д. - Перепечаева Е. С комментариями. Бильярд, динамичная пирамида

Финал Чемпионата Мира 2018 по бильярду (динамичная пирамида). Миронова Диана - Перепечаева Екатерина. Billiards. Rules: Sport - Billiards (Russian billiards - Pyramid). Game - Dynamic pyramid. Only one (colored) ball is the cue ball. Players can pocket any ball (cue ball too). The first player to pocket eight balls wins the frame. After the cue ball is pocketed, scorer must choose an any ball to be taken off the table. The player then has colored ball in-hand and may place it anywhere on the table but may not pocket it until the next stroke, can only pocket an aiming ball. The main rule of foul: After the cannon (if the ball has not into the pocket), any ball must touch two different cushions or touch the cushion and roll over the middle of the table.
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