Hypnosis & ET Interference with Guest Calogero Grifasi
In today’s episode, we have a discussion with our guest, Calogero Grifasi, who uses regressive hypnosis to help and to heal clients. During 4000 sessions, he and his team have encountered ongoing ET interference with humans.
Content of video:
3:09 Do we need outside help from guides, counselors, masters, etc.?
3:38 Difference between interference and interaction from entities.
4:29 Human suffering and ET esoteric interference due to lack of awareness of our power.
7:47 What do these entities want from us?
9:00 What is the etheric food they want from us?
11:47 How to stop being a food source through awareness.
14:20 What the entities look like.
15:14 The connection between the physical dimension and the etheric dimension.
17:53 The idea that there is no origin--no beginning, no end. Every being is immortal and infinite.
19:16 The idea that we can be any being on any point in infinite time based on our level of awareness.
20:16 Two kinds of interference with humans: human esoteric interference and extraterrestrial esoteric interference.
To connect with Calogero Grifasi:
Email: info@
To connect with Wayne & Julie:
Wayne’s website:
Julie’s website:
#SovereignSpirits #afterlife #hypnosis #ETs #betweenlives #pastlives #looshfarm #soultrap #reincarnationcycle #escapethematrix #matrix #prisonplanet
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