CG Light Series #3 - Low-Key Lighting

Support the channel on Patreon: Work better and faster with products from the store: Follow me on IG: This is the third video in a series of tutorials about lighting. In this video we’ll light up a scene using very few light sources and using lots of shadows, a technique also called Chiaroscuro, or more generally - low key lighting. Clips and images in this video are from these movies: Apocalypse Now (1979) The Adoration of the Child - Gerard van Honthorst (1619-1621) Virgin of the Rocks - Leonardo Da-Vinci (1495) Self-portrait wearing a hat and two Chains - Rembrandt (1642-1643) Girl with a Pearl Earring - Johannes Vermeer (1665) The Taking of Christ - Caravaggio (1602) Nosferatu (1922) Banned Beauty - Heba Khamis (2016) Blade Runner (1982) 777 - Joji (2020) Mandy (2018) The Batman (2022) Se7en (1996) 00:00 - Intro 00:39 - What’s
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