European Parliament proceedings (1949)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Ministers in France for European Parliament, Sir Winston Churchill speaks in Strasbourg Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION: European Parliament at Strasbourg FRANCE: Strasbourg: EXT/INT BEVIN Arriving at Strasbourg for Parliament of Europe MR CHURCHILL Arriving at Strasbourg for Parliament of Europe. Being greeted. Makes speech to people and warns them he is about to speak in French FLAGS Good shot of flags outside Strasbourg University for the Parliament of Europe meeting HERRIOT Edouard Greeted by girls in national costume on arrival at Parliament of Europe at Strasbourg. Hands over presidency to M. Spaak in chamber PARLIAMENT OF EUROPE Great Hall prelude to opening session. M. Herriot, acting President greeted by girls in national costume. Bevin an early arrival. Mr Churchill welcomed. Stage is set of 12 foreign ministers to begin wo
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