Seeing as a lot of people seemed to enjoy the first Gundam Origin AMV I made 2.5 years ago I decided to get to work on a sequel AMV depicting mostly episodes IV V. Due to a combination of heartache, work & lack of motivation it took about a year to make with lots of long breaks in-between editing. Hopefully this video will be worth it for those of you who have been waiting for an “ACT III“!
I’ll get to work on the final Gundam Origin AMV using the Protomen’s song “This City Made us“ from 2015. It will depict Operation British, episode VI & the beginning of 0079. Please look forward to it!
Song title: Breaking Out
Band: The Protomen
Clips taken from: Mobile Suit Gundam THE Origin Episodes I - VI.
AMV Timeline:
1. Char ACT II: Episodes 1 - 3, with a focus on 1 & 3. [Light up the Night]
2. Char ACT III: Episodes 1 - 6, with a focus on 4 & 5. [Breaking Out]
--------------------IN PRODUCTION---------------------
3. Char ACT IV: Episodes 1 - 6, with a focus on 5 & 6. [This City Made Us]
4. Amuro ACT V: 0079 Movie Trilogy 1 - 3 [Hold Back the Night]
------------------TO BE REVEALED-----------------------
5. 0087 & 0088 AMV (Protomen Song)
6. 0093 AMV 2 -(Protomen Songs)
Thank you for watching! I adore all of you!
Please support these works in any way possible:
Protomen Albums:
Gundam Origin BDs:
Episode 1:
Episode 2:
Episode 3:
Episode 4:
Episode 5:
Episode 6:
American Release of 1 ~ 4:
UK Release of 1 ~ 4: Sould Out, search second hand.
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