WORN OUT COWBOY BLUES performed by Dennis Lowery (written by Ron Chant. Radio debuted Jan 18, 2023)

’Worn Out Cowboy Blues,’ sung by Outlaw Country Artist Dennis Lowery, produced by Ronn Chick and written by 80-year-old songwriter Ron Chant. Debuted worldwide on Wednesday, Jan 18, 2023 on Outlaw Country Radio (KIEV-LP Camas, WA 102.7 FM) on during the STONEJAX O’CLOCK Live Wednesday Broadcast with DJ Hondo. Ron Chant is a New Mexico Cowboy, Local Legend and Songwriter whose Go Fund Me page is: Ron Chant Songwriter Fund Goal of $500 towards professional recording studio and production costs to make another one of Ron Chant’s songs into a radio-ready song. Thank you. Follow Ron Chant’s songwriting aspirations on the Hearing is Fun podcast with DJ Hondo on Apple Podcasts, Spotify and HEARING IS FUN PODCAST The Hearing is Fun website is Visit for more inform
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