Отторино Респиги «Дождь»,
Стихи: Виттория Аганур,
Пытьева Вероника (сопрано) @VIPsoprano,
Зырянова Екатерина (концертмейстер).
Ottorino Respighi (1879-1936)
Pioggia (da Sei Liriche, prima serie) – 1909
Testo di Vittoria Aganoor Pompili
Piovea: per le finestre spalancate
A quella tregua di ostinati ardori
Saliano dal giardin fresche folate
D’erbe risorte e di risorti fiori
S’acchettava il tumulto dei colori
Sotto il vel delle gocciole implorate;
E intorno ai pioppi ai frassini agli allori
Beveano ingorde le zolle assetate.
Esser pianta, esser foglia, esser stelo
E nell’angoscia dell’ardor (pensavo)
Così largo ristoro aver dal cielo!
Sul davanzal protesa io gli arboscelli,
I fiori, l’erbe guardavo guardavo
E mi battea la pioggia sui capelli.
День российской науки. 300 лет Российской академии наук. 2024.
Петрозаводская государственная консерватория имени А. К. Глазунова.
Ottorino Respighi “Rain“
Pytyeva Veronica (soprano),
Zyryanova Ekaterina (accompanist).
It was raining: through the windows, opened wide
To the respite of the persistent fragrances,
There wafted from the garden cool gusts
Of revived grass and revived flowers.
The tumult of colours calmed down
Beneath the veil of the longed-for droplets;
And around the poplars, the ashes and the laurels
The thirsty clods of earth drank greedily.
Oh, to be a plant! To be a leaf, to be a stem,
And in the anguish of passion (I reflected)
To receive such great renewal from the sky!
Leaning out over the windowsill I watched
And watched the bushes, the flowers, the grass,
While the rain beat down on my hair.
Day of Russian Science. 300 years of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2024.
Petrozavodsk State Glazunov Conservatory.
1 view
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