ABANDONED $6,600,000 Florida Beach Mansion | Left Behind After Storm
Have you ever dreamed of owning a house on the beach? For some people that dream became reality. And for some that reality was stripped away. While driving through the beach towns of northern Florida I stumbled upon a beach house that seemed to be abandoned for quite sometime. The people that used to own this little piece of paradise were both lawyers who had this home as a vacation house. But sometime around 2014 the house was hit by a tropical storm causing severe water damage and structural damage to the house. The couple both ended up passing away just a few years after the storm and the house was completely left abandoned with their furniture still left behind. Now it seems that there might be plans of demolition for a newer bigger beach house. So join me today and let’s see what’s left.
I am an Urban Explorer from Oklahoma just traveling around finding the coolest forgotten places! follow me on my journey around the world finding the best unknown forgotten places on earth! Merch coming so