POSTAL: Brain Damaged - OST - Take Your Hand To Hell
POSTAL: Brain Damaged coming on Steam:
Take My Hand To Hell lyrics and vocals by Leo Iwasaki
Forget everything you know about POSTAL, as we take a (bad) trip into the POSTAL DUDE’s twisted & battered mind in the Hyperstrange-developed throwback-shooter spin-off to Running With Scissors legendary games series. POSTAL: Brain Damaged splices late 1990s aesthetics, modern arcade-FPS gameplay, and the unmistakable free-form mayhem of the franchise.
POSTAL: Brain Damaged©️ Hyperstrange S.A., Running With Scissors Studios LLC, 1996-2021. All Rights Reserved.
POSTAL®️ Krotchy®️ and Running With Scissors®️ are Registered Trademarks and Service Marks of Running With Scissors Studios LLC.
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