VIDEO | 220321 | @ [KCON STUDIO X DIA TV] Awesome Haeun X ’s Tension #NeverStops
Awesome Haeun came to our school ♥
That Orange Game totally blew everyone away
Help [club29019304|@unesco] ensure #LearningNeverStops!
Attendance Game Example
1. Shout out ’attendance’
2. Haeun points at Wow but calls Byeongkwan’s name
3. Byeongkwan needs to answer ’Here!’
4. If you fail to answer or miss the timing, you get a penalty
Orange Game
1. You sing ’O~range Orange Oran~ge!’ and express the size of an invisible orange with your hands
2. On the last ’ge!’ you throw the invisible orange to someone else
3. The person who receives the orange needs to make the orange bigger and throw it to someone else
4. If you can’t make the orange bigger, you get a penalty!
Ninja Star Game
1. The first person pretends to throw a ninja star at someone
2. The nominated person needs to act realistically as if they are actually hit by the ninja star
3. The next person pretends to throw the ninja star again
4. The moment you laugh you get a penalty!
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