Hatsune Miku Magical Mirai 2017【Live Concert】Hibikase (Resonate) -ヒビカセ┃GigaReol feat. Hatsune Miku┃«English, Japanese & Spanish Subtitles» (Español Subtitulos)【1080p60fps】初音ミクマジカルミライ2017
Song Title/Name:
“Hibikase“ (The official Japanese Romaji title), “Resonate“ (The English title) & “ヒビカセ“ (The Japanese title) by GigaReol (Giga & Reol) feat. Hatsune Miku 初音ミク
A self-cover by Reol was also posted on YouTube
Note of Discography:
This song was featured on the following albums:
● No title (album)
● EVERGREEN SONGS 2014 (album)