We’ve Played Forspoken! 7 Things You Need To Know - Forspoken PS5 Gameplay

We’ve played Forspoken, the upcoming action role-playing game developed by Luminous Productions and published by Square Enix. A lot has been released on the game since a certain cringe-worthy trailer was dropped in August, and we went along with open minds as to how the game would handle. Yet after playing the game on PlayStation 5 for an extended play session, we still have concerns about both its representation and its combat, despite its magical potential. 0:00 Intro 2:11 Preview Content 4:04 Magic 4:51 Combat 6:54 Flow 8:11 Athia 9:38 Cuff 10:44 Frey 12:33 Outro Become a Team Eurogamer member: Subscribe to Eurogamer - For the latest video game reviews, news and analysis, check out and don’t forget to follow us on Twitter:
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