Not every security issues can be fixed. There exist (what I call) “unfixable“ bugs, where you can always argue and shift the goal posts. The idea is to only report these kind of issues to create an endless stream of bug bounty money!
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hackerone reports:
00:00 - Intro
00:30 - Denial of Service with loooong passwords
03:18 - Invalid vs. Valid DoS Reports
05:11 - Deployment Differences
06:54 - Denial of Service vs. Bruteforce Protection
09:27 - IP Rate-Limiting “fix“
12:06 - Locking User Accounts?
13:59 - The Circle of Unfixable Security Issues
15:25 - Vulnerability vs. Weakness
16:49 - The Cybersecurity Industry
19:03 - Conclusion: Cybersecurity vs. Hacking
21:34 - Outro
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