Explore the Nanocosmos with Particle Metrix´s ZetaView
ZetaView® Key features and benefits
- Highly flexible system for Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis / Brownian Motion Tracking.
- Simultaneous measurement of particle size, particle concentration, fluorescence and Zeta
- Scanning NTA with automated measurements of 11 well-defined positions through the sample
cell, providing a thorough and robust analysis of samples, without need for additional
- Easy Zeta Potential measurements via EMT = Electrophoretic Motion Tracking even in high salt
buffers (e.g. full PBS).
- Fast and reliable analysis of over 1,000 particles in as little as 60 seconds.
- Enhanced fluorescence NTA measurements (f-NTA) in up to 4 fluorescence channels allow
interrogation of sub-populations in one sample.
- A very sensitive camera (CMOS), selective filters, fast switching between lasers and low
bleaching performance yield in very high fluorescence sensitivity.
- Opt
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4 days ago 00:11:17 1
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