Hand Drag Drill For Dynamic Carving

Do you find you can carve well on green and blue runs but when it gets a little steeper you just can’t manage the pressure and your speed keeps getting faster and faster? And the only way to slow down is to skid your turns? If this sounds like you then this video could be just what you need to make a breakthrough with this problem. Follow the progression Tom Gellie lays out for two skiers that gives them control, smoothness and pure exhilarating carving fun on steeper runs. In this video - Why progressive edging is key to controlling your speed and turn shape - Hand Drag J Turns - Linking Hand drag turns - Common problems when trying to progressively build edge angles for carving and how to fix them - Real life students improving with this progression FREE VIDEO Would you like access to one of our premium videos the Up and Over Drill? This drill is a staple of the US Ski Team and many athletes credit making progress and improvement in their skiing through doing this drill. Th
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