В.А.Моцарт “Турецкое рондо“ Елисей Мысин и Иван Бессонов

В.А.Моцарт “Турецкое рондо“ Елисей Мысин и Иван Бессонов 👍 Подписывайтесь на канал: 🎹Елисей Мысин, ученик Центральной музыкальной школы при Московской государственной консерватории им. Чайковского Преподаватель: Заслуженный артист России, профессор Московской государственной консерватории имени П.И.Чайковского Н.В.Трулль 📷Инстаграм: ________________________________ Great Mozart. For more than two centuries, scientists have been trying to unravel the phenomenon of this brilliant composer. Why is his truly divine music such a beneficial effect on human health and energy? Why does it clarify consciousness and increase intelligence? There are many questions and perhaps people will still be able to find the answer to them someday. In the meantime, humanity expresses its deep gratitude to the maestro for leaving to descendants such a precious creative heritage, which includes more than six h
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