Voice Types: The 8 Singing Classifications. Find Yours Here!

Master Your Voice Singing Course: Find your vocal range in 6 seconds: Introduction: (0:00) Definition of Voice Types: (1:12) 8 Vocal Classifications: (3:37) Tessitura: (5:33) Timbre: (7:28) Vocal Weight: (7:40) Bass Voice Type: (9:21) Baritone Voice Type: (12:24) Tenor Voice Type (15:10) Countertenor Voice Type (17:23) Contralto Voice Type: (19:21) Alto Voice Type: (21:06) Mezzo Soprano Voice Type: (23:58) Soprano Voice Type: (26:15) Final Notes: (29:31) Every singer wants to find their voice type! That’s because knowing your voice type (bass, baritone, tenor, countertenor, contralto, alto, mezzo-soprano and soprano) will help you know exactly what kind of music that you can sing. For instance, if I’m a bass, then singing a Sam Smith song might be very difficult for me. Or, if you’re in Alto, singing an Ariana Grande song might be difficult for you. But today, we’ll look at the 8 main singing voice types. I’ll s
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