RAF Wings For Germany (1956)

Stanmore, & Chivenham. SV. Lieutenant Colonel Wenhert of the new Luftwaffe receiving his wings from Air Vice-Marshal Chamberlain. He shakes hands with Vice-Marshal and stands back. CU. Sign Headquarters, Fighter Command, Royal Air Force. SV. Major Barkhorn having his wings pinned on. He shakes hands and stands back. CU. The wings on a German’s uniform. SCU. The three Germans standing facing the camera. AS. RAF flag flying. LV. Three Germans walking along tarmac. One of them turns to go into plane, the other two walk on to their planes. SCU. Major Barkhorn sitting in cockpit with his he...lmet on. SV. Major Krupinski climbing into his Hunter. LV. RAF Hunters taxiing for takeoff. SV. Hunter taxiing. LV. Air to air shot, three Hunters in flight. LV. Three Hunters in flight. LV. Three Hunters in flight, taken from aircraft flying below them. LV. Air to air shot - Hunters peel off away from camera one by one. The German pilots have successfully completed a course in England and received their RAF wings. (Neg
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