Trivium (FULL SET) LIVE 2018 ft. Howard Jones, Jared Dines, and Johannes Eckerström

Betrayer 0:00 Throes of Perdition 5:43 Beyond Oblivion 11:57 Into the Mouth of Hell We March 17:20 Like Light to the Flies 24:33 Sever The Hand 30:33 Until the World Goes Cold 35:56 The Wretchedness Inside 41:30 A Gunshot to the Head of Trepidation 47:05 The Sin and the Sentence 53:40 The Heart From Your Hate 01:00:10 Down From The Sky 01:05:00 Strife 01:10:37 Pull Harder on the Strings of your Martyr 1:15:16 In Waves 1:23:17 Ending/Outro 1:28:25 MY MUSIC - iTUNES: GOOGLE PLAY: ht
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