The United Kingdom Special Forces (UKSF) is a Ministry of Defence directorate that provides a joint special operations task force headquarters. Director Special Forces appears to command 22 Special Air Service Regiment, the Special Boat Service, the Special Reconnaissance Regiment, the Special Forces Support Group, 18 Signal Regiment and the Joint Special Forces Aviation Wing.
In 1987 the post of Director SAS became Director Special Forces.
The incumbent from that point had control of both the Army’s Special Air Service and the Naval Service’s Special Boat Squadron, which was renamed the Special Boat Service during the formation, into a unified command. The directorate has been expanded by the creation of the Joint Special Forces Aviation Wing, the Special Reconnaissance Regiment, 18 Signal Regiment and the Special Forces Support Group. Approximately 40% of all UK Special Forces are recruited from the Royal Marines.
Following the Army 2020 reforms, the 21st Special Air Service Regiment and 23rd Special Air