The day was beautiful, the workers buzzing like bees and the bees buzzing my mic. Happy worker bees all around. As the Pre Burn and Static Fire for S20 near, workers gather and get out their cell phones, drivers park, and the two events leave us shaking our heads at witnessing the sight of progress once again. It makes us proud to be a part of documenting SpaceX and hope you feel the same when revisiting our work.
Enjoy, life is short and you need a fun view of SpaceX!!
Maria and John
Bio, social media and Patreon info:
So who am I? I’m the 1st (and only) neighbor, Maria, that once lived and documented progress next to SpaceX before anyone knew about SpaceX. Not back in the village or from an NSF team or robot, just Maria looking out in the tall grasses from my bedroom window. I was just one of the many gals and guys of the now historical BocaChica area. Mr BocaChica and I were the very last home on Hwy 4, last house in Texas as the CBS visiting media liked to say.
6 days ago 00:44:50 1
Бесо Руставский - Последнее слово из суда (полная версия)