GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit SAXONY’S IRON ORE FOUNDRY: (2014- NOTE - commentary says discovery of iron ore deposits in lower Saxony/ european investgators looking at Iron foundry using old fashioned “rolling method“ ) Full Description: BLAST FURNACES Soviet Iron Furnace; in Lower Saxony white hot steel (snake like)is handled by the men FURNACES Soviet Iron Furnace: Discovery of iron ore in Lower furnaces the white hot lengths of steel (snake) Blacksmith Industries, Trades and Crafts Background: SAXONY’S IRON ORE FOUNDRY: (2014- NOTE - commentary says discovery of iron ore deposits in lower Saxony/ european investgators looking at Iron foundry using old fashioned “rolling method“ ) FILM ID: VLVA9HIEN76DA6PSHLYG7IBOP0TZ9 To license this film, visit Archive: Reuters Archive managed by: British Pathé
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