“The Ghost of Kyiv“ - The Legend of the Ukrainian Ace in a Day
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As a nation’s worst fears began to be realized, a legend emerged.
As the Russian military invaded the land and skies of Ukraine, one brave fighter pilot launched from his base just south of the capital city of Kyiv, knowing he faced superior numbers and firepower.
His ground controller gave him range and bearing, and he replied with the information on his radar. Once confirmed, the controller transmitted, “That’s your bandit.”
At that point, the fighter pilot ruthlessly pursued his prey, with only one outcome in mind: victory.
When he inevitably ran out of gas or weapons he certainly landed and refueled and rearmed.
By the end of the day, word had it that he had downed 2 SU-35s, 1 SU-27, 1 MiG 29, and 2 SU-25s – six Russian aircraft bent on wreaking havoc on his Ukrainian homeland.
He had become an ace in a day, the first in Europe since World War II.
Russian fighter pilots labeled him the “Ghost of Kiev,” and today they fear him while the freedom-loving people of Ukraine cheer him and place their hopes for peace in his cockpit.
Godspeed, Ghost of Kyiv. And happy hunting.