Allied bombers target German industrial targets (1945)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Lancaster bombers and Typhoon dive bombers make air strikes against Germany Full Description: EUROPE: Various: EXT/INT AEROPLANES AMERICAN Forts & others Bomb Ger shot in flight Bombs leave cross when landing Shoot up AEROPLANES . Rocket Typhoons Tempests shoot up LANCASTERS BOMB Ger targets.. BOMB DOORS OPEN & CLOSE.. MILITARY BRITISH Adv through Goch RAILWAYS CLEVES Railway Wreckage of World War II, WWII, Second World War, War, WW2, Ilson, rail junction, bombers, B-17, air war, railways, trainyard, aerial footage, Royal Air Force, viaduct, earthquake bombs, formation, rockets, Tempest, RAF, gun camera Background: Lancaster bombers and Typhoon dive bombers make air strikes against Germany FILM ID: VLVA44JL60L0U3C21S34W0C3F64O0 To license this film, visit
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