Kabbalah and Psychology - Spiritual States with Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman

Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman and Michael Sanilevich discuss Kabbalah and psychology in this episode of Spiritual States. What is psychology? What does psychology research? What does Kabbalah offer to people? What is the quality of our world? How can Kabbalah help us enter a new type of existence? What is the difference between psychology and Kabbalah? What is the study of the soul? What is Nefesh, and what is Neshama? What is the goal of Kabbalah? What is our perception focused on in this world? What does the intention of our actions and existence change? What is the problem with psychology, according to psychologists? What is the opportunity Kabbalah gives us? Why did Baal HaSulam appreciate materialistic psychology? What are the different types of egos? What is the ego that Kabbalah helps us correct? Why is psychology useful? Does Kabbalah try to neutralize the ego? How does Kabbalah deal with the ego? — ►Take the Free KabU Course to Find True Answers About Life:
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