Tin Pan Alley Wants It Straight Aka Every Little Pig (1949)

Full title reads: “Tin Pan Alley Wants It Straight“. London. LV Elev. shot of traffic jammed outside the music publisher’s in Denmark St. CU Two men carrying basket containing pig into building. CU Name sign - Denmark St. CU Buckets of garbage outside building pan up to Max Bacon pointing to them as he enters with another man. They hold their noses. CU Two men carrying pig into building. MS Int. view of Arthur Askey shooing pig away, watched by crowd, which includes Charlie Chester, Jean Kent & Max Bacon. (Nat. snd from here on) CU Charlie Chester. CU Arthur Askey, Max Bacon & another man preparing to test straightness of pig’s tail. Arthur nearly shuts it in drawer. CU Max Bacon laughing. CU Pig’s tail. Askey pretends to saw it with piece of wood pan up to Askey and Bacon. CU Pig’s tail. CU Charlie Chester asking Askey. ’Which is Max and which is Bacon?’. Arthur tests pig’s tail then pulls Max Bacon’s nose. FILM ID: A VIDEO FROM BRITISH PATHÉ. EXPLORE OUR ONLINE CHANNEL,
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