Optical Illusion Quilt is super easy because it is a disappearing 4-Patch.

I love Optical Illusion Quilts and I love Disappearing Quilts, so I made one that is Both! You can purchase this .pdf pattern as an instant download from my website: If you love Disappearing Quilts please go to my YouTube Channel: If you decide to make this quilt, I would love to see how it comes out. You can email a picture to me or share it with me on Facebook or Instagram. Facebook: Instagram: @questioning_quilter #TheQuestioningQuilter You can also find more information on my website: #quilts #quilttutorial #christmas #quiltting #quilt #freepattern ...#quiltpattern #opticalillusion Chapters: 0:00 Introduction 1:27 Basic block assembly 4:38 Assemble quilt 5:26 Bulk processing 12:51 Conclusion
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