In Flames - Cover - Deliver Us

Mp3 Download link: Morning people, I know the synths don’t sound like the original, but it is hard like hell to get the same sound, so I took similar ones I made the midi drumtrack myself. Description: I first record the audio of the song, then film me playing the guitars and edit them together. So, this is not being played live !!! That is why there is no cable or anything. Gear: Guitar: Epiphone Les Paul Prophecy EX ME Strings: D’addario 13-62 Tuning: Drop A# Bass: Keiper 5 string Amp: Line6 Toneport UX2 with Powerpack Addon Recording Software: Steinberg Cubase 4 Drums: Toontrack EZDrummer with dfh AddOn Camcorder: Sony HDR-SR11 Video Editing: Adobe Premiere Pro CS4 See Ya. Da Schehf !!!
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