UN A complete turnaround - former OPCW inspector slams Douma attack report

Zerohedge: Numerous OPCW whistleblowers and leaks challenge Western government claims LIVE: UN Security Council discuss OPCW report into Douma (ORIGINAL) 4,773 views •Streamed live on Jan 20, 2020 The meeting was called by the Russian Permanent Representative. While OPCW managers have kept curiously silent amid the scandal over their Douma report, an interventionist media outlet called Bellingcat has functioned as an outsourced press shop, aggressively defending the official narrative and attacking its most prominent critics, including Ian Henderson. The US government has a long history of pressuring and manipulating the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons. During the run-up to the invasion of Iraq, the George W. Bush administration threatened José Bustani, the first director of the OPCW, and pressured him to resign.
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