MARDER III in winter camouflage - Part 2 - 1/35 Tamiya - Tank Model - [ Painting - weathering ]

MARDER III in winter camouflage ambush the enemy in a corner of the endless expanse of frozen snowfields. If you look closely, you can see that even the branches of dead leaves are used for camouflage. A calm and composed veteran commander who has been hardened in a hundred battles will be watching the situation. On the other hand, a young loader who is full of motivation to fight restlessness. In the midst of the occasional violent blizzard, the time for battle was approaching moment by moment. While imagining such a scene, I completed this winter camouflage MARDER III. Please enjoy the video carefully. 果てし無く広がる凍てつく雪原の一角で、敵を待ち伏せる冬季迷彩されたMARDER III。よく見ればカモネットに枯れ葉の
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