DEFENCE: World War 2 / Pacific Council filmed at first meeting (1942)

BRITISH PARAMOUNT NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit The Pacific Council, filmed at its first meeting. Full Description: NO SLATE INFORMATION: USA: Washington D.C: INT GV Pacific Council sitting at table -L. to R. Soong, Nash, Evatt, Halifax, Roosevelt, Wrong, Lauden and Hopkins. SCU US President Franklin speaking. Lord Halifax (British Foreign Secretary) smiling. SCUTV Louden. SCUTV Hopkins, Louden behind. SCU Soong. SCU Nash, Evatt behind. SCU Evatt. GV Council posing. GOOD SCENES: SV Louden out of car and up steps of the White House, smiling. Semi side view Nash out of car and up steps, is joined by Evatt. SCU Nash and Evatt together on steps. Semi pose shot Wrong. LV Soong standing and SCU side view as he walks past camera and stands on steps of the White House. LV towards and SV pose shot Halifax. World War II in the Far East; Personali
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