little black death.

The second I heard this song in Liam’s masterpiece I knew it would be a matter of time before I’d vid it. The song is annoyingly catchy in the best possible way & I must admit even after vidding it. I am still plagued with it in my head. Special thanks to the besties & all the amazing supporters I have for just being amazing & giving me the drive to finish this. Thank you. ❤ STORY: Lydia was a victim of Tate’s not only physically but mentally too. Repressing her trauma she is slowly reminded that he wasn’t all bad and that there was a time when she may have loved him too. Her memory comes back in flashes, but did Lydia really survive that day or is she doomed to live in a groundhog day of that time in her life. Who knows? - - - Inspo for the Song: Song: Made With: Sony Vegas 16. Colouring: ’Mary on a Cross’ by @barbedrotten Font/s: Courier New & The Devil Net. - - -
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