Jeremy Corbell Confirms Dangerous Alien/UFO Secrets - Wild Ride #181
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Jeremy Corbell is on the front lines of any updates on the existence of Aliens, UFO’s, UAP’s and what the government knows about it.
Check out Jeremy’s podcast WEAPONIZED @JeremyCorbell
Come see me on tour!
Follow us on social media! @steveo @scottjrandolph @skinnyvinny @paulbrisske
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00:00 Intro
0:46 How Jeremy Found Aliens
5:02 UFO People and the BS Radar
7:42 Government Confirms UFO’s
11:32 Ad Break - Babbel
12:46 Why Do Aliens Show Themselves To Us?
19:28 Is Jeremy in Danger?
26:22 Ad Break - Whoop
27:40 Have Aliens Contacted Jeremy?
31:35 Bob Lazar Theories
34:17 Black Budget Programs
44:18 Ad Break - BlueChew
45:26 AWSAP
47:08 Alien Abductions
1:00:42 Drug Psychosis
1:05:16 “Blow Our Minds”
1:09:45 Oumuamua and Religion
1:14:02 Stonehenge and The Pyramids
1:17:24 Consciousness
1:28:01 Outro
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