[3 HOURS] The Best Ghibli Music 💎 Must listen at least once 💎Piano Ghibli Music🍀 relax, study, sleep

[3 HOURS] The Best Ghibli Music 💎 Must listen at least once 💎Piano Ghibli Music🍀 relax, study, sleep [3 HOURS] The Best Ghibli Music 💎 Must listen at least once 💎Piano Ghibli Music🍀 relax, study, sleep [3 HOURS] The Best Ghibli Music 💎 Must listen at least once 💎Piano Ghibli Music🍀 relax, study, sleep Welcome to BGM Totoro Studio .While you are here I will try to bring you the best, latest and most emotional Ghibli piano music.❤ Thank you for visiting my channel. ⏩ ----------------PLAYLIST------------------- [00:00:00] - 01. さよならの夏~コクリコ坂から~-Summer Of Goodbye-From Up On Poppy Hill [00:05:15] - 02.ふたたび 「千と千尋の神隠し」より04 - Futatabi [Spirited Away] [00:11:01] - 03.やさしさに包まれたなら 「魔女の宅急便」より - If Wrapped in Kindness [Kiki_s Delivery Service] [00:16:14] - 04.風のとおり道-The Way of the Wind [00:21:37] - 05. テルーの唄 「ゲド戦記」より-Teru_s Song from Tales from Earthsea [00:26:52] - 06.アシタカせっ記 「もののけ姫」より - Ashitaka Sekki [Princess Mononoke] [00:32:15] - 07. 世界の約束-The Promise of the World [00:36:41] - 08.時には昔の話を 「紅の豚」より - Once in a While, Talk of the Old Days [Porco Rosso] [00:42:19] - 09 .ナウシカ・レクイエム 「風の谷のナウシカ」より- Nausicaa Requiem [Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind] [00:46:26] - 10. 海の見える街-A Town With An Ocean View [00:51:03] - 11.風の谷のナウシカ 「風の谷のナウシカ」より - Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind [Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind] [00:55:43] - 12. もののけ姫-Princess Mononoke [00:57:14] - 13. 崖の上のポニョ-Ponyo on the cliff by the sea [01:01:50] - 14.風になる 「猫の恩返し」より [01:06:40] - 15. さんぽ 「となりのトトロ」より-Stroll~from My Neighbor Totoro [01:11:15] - 16. いつも何度でも 「千と千尋の神隠し」より - Always witn me [Spirited Away] [01:16:02] - 17.君をのせて 「天空の城ラピュタ」より - Put you on [Laputa-Castle in the Sky] [01:21:22] - 18.となりのトトロ 「となりのトトロ」より - My Neighbor Totoro[ My Neighbor Totoro] [01:25:28] - 19.海のおかあさん-Mother of the sea [01:27:59] - 20. 鳥の人 「風の谷のナウシカ」より-Torihito from Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind [01:32:17] - 21. 世界の約束 「ハウルの動く城」より-The Promise of the World~from Howl_s Moving Castle [01:37:40] - 22.カントリー・ロード 「耳をすませば」より - Country Road [Whisper of the Heart] [01:43:14] - 23.人生のメリーゴーランド-Merry go round of life [01:47:04] - 24. さよならの夏~コクリコ坂から~ 「コクリコ坂から」より-Goodbye Natsu~From Poppy Hill~From From Poppy Hill [01:52:14] - 25. いつも何度でも-Any Number of Times Are Always [01:56:58] - 26. 君をのせて-Carrying you [02:01:18] - Song 「借りぐらしのアリエッティ」より-Arrietty_s Song from The Borrower Arrietty [02:06:04] - 28.ひこうき雲 「風立ちぬ」より - Hikoukigumo [The Wind Rises] [02:10:10] - 29. 崖の上のポニョ 「崖の上のポニョ」より-Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea ~from Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea [02:13:53] - 30.ルージュの伝言 「魔女の宅急便」より- Rouge_s message [Kiki_s Delivery Service] 🎧 MAYBE YOU WANT TO LISTEN: 🔔 Subscribe to the channel to see more videos: ➤ ★ Subscribe 💟 Like 👍 and press the bell 🔔 notification so you don’t miss a new video! Thank you for staying with us. 📩 Contact: copyright@ tag: #3hoursGhiblistudio #Ghiblirelaxing #GhibliMusic #GhibliDeepsleep #relaxmusic
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